Digital Posters

Glogster Digital Poster 

Digital posters require students to use pictures and words to demonstrate their mastery of stated objectives.  Unlike traditional posters where students are limited to the type of information they can include, digital posters allow students to add multimedia elements to their final product, link to references and sources of additional information, as well as publish their products online.

Strengths:  Digital posters reach a broader range of learning styles than traditional assessments.  In addition, students are given the responsibility for demonstrating their mastery of objectives which increases student buy in and engagement.  Finally, through online publishing student accountability and pride in their work is increased exponentially, it allows for peer and teacher feedback, and enables parents to see what their children are learning and the quality of their children’s work.

Weaknesses: Digital posters require every student to have access to a computer and the Internet.  In addition, students must have enough knowledge of the material to create a comprehensive poster.  Finally, it a detailed scoring rubric must be developed or the assessment is becomes subjective. 

Role of Technology: Technology is an integral part of this assessment without it the assessment would not be possible in this form.